Saturday, November 22, 2008

Create Stage- Process Journal

November 11th, 2008.
Today I posted my outsourced video request on the Flat Classroom Project Wiki however, people deleted it so i had to post it again. Nobody signed up to do mine even though I think that it is quite easy to do. I have to be patient with this. I will continue working on my video even if no one does my outsourced part so that I don't waste any time doing nothing. I wrote my request on a Microsof Word document and waited until people stopped editing the Wiki because that is how things get lost. When i finally got my turn, I just copy and pasted it on there so that I don't take a long time and keep people waiting.

November 19th, 2008.
Today I continued researching my topic and trying to get some images that depict Google taking over the world. I didn't find that many pictures so I still have to continue researching and doing what I was doing this lesson next lesson.

November 23rd, 2008.
Today I collected pictures and images that show all the different aspects of Google and what Google is trying to do in the future like producing the Google Phone and other such ideas. I will hopefully do the script of the video next lesson according to the pictures I have collected. After doing that, I will have to create the video using Move Maker and post it on the Ning. I think that I might be able to finish it by Thursday.

Video Design and Plan

Here is a plan of what I am going to do for my video.

  • First, I am going to have a scene of a group of students in a normal class doing what they would normally do.
  • Then I am going to have a scene with a group of people running into the school with Google signs and flags or anything that depicts Google with them.
  • After that I am going to have a series of pictures depicting Google taking over the world. I will try to get pictures of all the aspects of Google like arts, education, and entertainment.
  • I will also be saying some information while the pictures are rolling about Google and about what I think is going to happen to Google as I am in the B group which is Innovation, Invention, and Prediction.

I will try to have the first two scenes of the video outsourced to anyone outside Qatar; I will also try to get a couple of people to do them from each part of the globe like one person from, USA, Europe, Australia, Asia, and the Middle East.

I will use Movie Maker to create this video because I am more familiar with it and I have used it before to create a video.

I will try to get all the pictures before November 23rd and have the script of what I am going to say written before November 25th. That way, I will have time to create the video by November 27th. I can still do my video even without the outsourced part; whenever I do get it, I can just add it to my video. I don’t have to wait for them to finish it so that I can start my video.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


The Problem:
The problem is to create a video that depicts our topic and have a part of it outsourced. This is quite important because it is a great example of in-forming and outsourcing. My topic is Google and I use it almost everyday to research for school purposes as do many other students from around the world. I think that it is amazing that Google got to be this big that people know and use from all parts of the world. This just comes to show how the world really is flat and small. People from across the world can communicate with each other with just a simple click of a button. Solving this problem is also relevant to the MYP Areas Of Interaction because it relates to Health and Social Education, Human Ingenuity, and Environment.

Some questions to guide my investigation are:
1) What are the different kinds of ways I can go about solving this problem?
2) What software is suitable to create this video?
3) Who will do the outsourced part?
4) What part of the video will be outsourced?
5) What will the outsourced part look like and how long will it be?

Design Brief:
To solve this problem, I am going to create a video about Innovation, Invention, and Prediction of Google Taking Over The World. I decided to make a short skit in the video to make it more entertaining and fun to watch. I am also going to read a bit of information about how Google is taknig over the world because the video is also supposed to be informative. I did a lot of research about Google over the past few weeks and helped my team create a wiki about it in the Flat Classroom Project. I gained a lot of information that I think would help me with this video from that wiki and some of the information I learned came from my team mates, so I would really like to thank them for all their hard work. Our team wiki about Google is here:

I am also going to use some of the photos and images that are on that page because I liked them and I think that they really depict the issue that I am talking about. One of the main ones is the first image at the top of the page with the Google crown on the world. I think that that delivers my main message of how Google is taking over the world.

Design Specifications:

  • It has to be about 3 to 5 minutes in length.
  • A part of it has to be outsourced by another team member in my group.
  • It has to show Google taking over the world and a prediction of what is going to happen next with it.
  • It has to be informative/ educational.
  • It can include a short skit.
  • It can include interviews.
  • It can include images and photographs.